____________________________________________________ THE GOSPEL OBSERVER "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19,20). ____________________________________________________ June 17, 2001 ____________________________________________________ Repentance and Restitution by Joe R. Price Without genuine repentance no sinner can be saved (Acts 17:30; 2 Corinthians 7:10). The Messiah's forerunner (John) and Jesus Himself proclaimed the necessity of repentance in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 3:1; 4:17; Mark 1:14-15). Nobody who obeys and proclaims the gospel plan of salvation can do so without properly understanding repentance and its effect upon the life of the convert. WHAT IS REPENTANCE? Repentance (metanoeo) literally means "to perceive afterwards...hence signifies to change one's mind or purpose" (Vine, p. 525). So repentance is a change of mind. The question before us is, does that change of mind necessarily produce changes in the way one lives? Repentance is produced by godly sorrow over sin, leading to a changed way of living (2 Corinthians 7:10). The preaching of John the baptist teaches us that when repentance occurs we stop committing the sin we repent of -- the "fruits worthy of repentance" (Luke 3:8-14). A refusal to stop sinning while claiming to have repented is a contradiction in terms -- repentance has not occurred when one will not cease his sin. Revelation 9:20-21 spells out this fruit of repentance: "But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts" (emp., jrp). Those who did not repent continued to worship idols and commit murder, sorcery, fornication and thievery. Read this passage carefully; the fact that they did not repent is shown in that they did not cease committing sin! The Ephesians who obeyed the gospel vividly illustrate the fruits of repentance as their bonfire consumed a fortune in magical books (Acts 19:18-19). Those folks stopped their sin -- severing themselves from its influence upon their lives! They repented! This is the gospel we must preach and obey (Acts 26:20). WORKS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE: Repentance (the change of mind which leads to a changed life) is not difficult to understand -- until one is convinced he can be forgiven without bearing its fruits. Like the Pharisees John scolded, some brethren today are convinced (and are convincing others) that sinners can continue to live in sinful relations and unholy deeds -- yet claim for themselves repentance and cleansing from Christ (cf. Luke 3:7-8). Brethren are being persuaded that some sinful relations can continue after one is baptized. Specifically, they are being taught that a person who is living in an adulterous remarriage (due to sinning against Matthew 19:9), upon being baptized for the remission of their sins, may stay with the adulterous mate. They argue that since baptism washes away sin, the adultery is no longer adultery! The weakness of this reasoning is exposed by the strength of God's word. Go back and read again the verses cited in this article. Luke 3:8-14 teaches that repentance means the sinner stops the sin of unloving selfishness (v. 10-11), stops the sin of greedy extortion (v. 12-13), and stops the sin of violence against his neighbor. (How to repent of these specific sins teaches us the principle upon which repentance is based, namely, a changed mind toward sin means that we stop committing the sin!) Revelation 9:20-21 teaches that repentance only occurs when one stops sinning! Baptism does not change the nature of sin. That is, stealing is the same thing after baptism as it is before baptism. One cannot continue to steal after being baptized -- that would show he has not repented of his sin. One cannot continue to lie after being baptized -- that would show he has not repented of his sin. One cannot continue to commit homosexual acts after being baptized (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) -- that would show he has not repented. One cannot continue to commit adultery after baptism -- that would show he has not repented of his sin. Like all other sinners, the adulterer must stop sinning when he is converted to Christ. Otherwise, Bible repentance has not taken place. WHAT ABOUT RESTITUTION? Does repentance require restitution? That is, must one who repents restore the damage his sin has caused? When the prophet Nathan told King David of the man who stole his neighbor's lamb. David's response was clear: "he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing" (2 Samuel 12:6). David was applying the law of Moses, which commanded restitution when one sinned against his neighbor (Exodus 22:1; Leviticus. 6:1-7; Numbers 5:5-7). Zacchaeus assured Jesus that he obeyed the law in such matters, and Jesus blessed his house with salvation (Luke 19:8-10). But, you say, we do not live under the law of Moses. That is correct. However, the restitution under the old law serves to illustrate that repentance occurs and forgiveness is obtained only when one's life changes. The man who covets and steals his neighbor's car, then repents of it, has no right to keep the car! To treat others as we would have them treat us, we will return the car, right?! (Matthew 7:12) Likewise, when one covets and steals his neighbor's wife and then repents, shall he keep that which is not rightfully his?! God forbid! "Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" (Romans 6:1-2). It is also true that one may not be able to go back to the original (God-approved, Matthew 19:6) spouse. To say that such is impossible and therefore one can remain in an adulterous remarriage entirely misses the point. The scriptures teach that when one is in such a situation he or she must "remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband" (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). Celibacy is always a better choice than sin (Matthew 19:9-12). The primary purpose of repentance (and its fruit) is to restore the sinner to God (Acts 3:19). Such restoration is impossible if the sinner continues to commit his sin. The prodigal son repented, ceased his wasteful living, and was restored to his father. He could not restore the inheritance he had wasted, but he could -- and did -- stop living in the filth of sin! No one is cleansed from his stain of sin and restored to the Father's presence who continues to practice sin after being baptized. The stain of sin is renewed -- only repentance and its fruits will bring God's forgiveness! Let us help sinners repent and live holy lives instead of comforting them in their sin! The eternal welfare of souls is at stake! -- Via The Spirit's Sword ___________________________________________ Those "Fatal Steps" by Robert F. Turner At Freed-Hardeman College (1934) President Hardeman made a chapel talk on Psm. 1:1-2. He said "walk not" by the pool room, nor "stand" there, nor "sit" and watch the players. In typical Hardeman fashion, he was telling us to avoid the "first steps" to a life of delinquency. The Latins have a proverb for it: "Obsta Principiis," or, "resist the beginnings." Changes in our life, and in the church, come gradually. They often develop with little opposition because we do not recognize the "fatal steps" to error. It has been charged that there are "Religious Steps to Atheism," but this obviously cannot refer to genuine Christianity. Truth does not lead to error. One must acknowledge, however, a correlation of Heresy, Sectarianism and Denominationalism (abuses of true religion) to current rejection of the "church," and to subsequent infidelity and atheism. We seek to define these developments and determine the "fatal steps" that lead to each. HERESY is doctrinal opinion that departs from orthodoxy; automatically assuming a standard. The Jews called Paul a heretic (Acts 24:5, 14) and Christianity a sect -- using Judaism as the standard of orthodoxy. But heresy is more than honest difference in religious matters. Vine says it, "Denotes a choosing, choice; than that which is chosen; and hence, an opinion, especially a self-willed opinion which is substituted for submission to the power of truth...." There will always be differing conclusions drawn by honest men as they "grow in knowledge," and this alone is not heresy. But babes and adults in Christ must have identical attitudes: be of "one spirit -- one mind" striving for the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27). When one forgets that God is master of all and allows personal preference or the prospect of advantage (see Vine) to dictate his conclusions, he is soon trapped in heresy. The "fatal step" is taken when one becomes opinionated and self-willed -- loses his "cool" if he is questioned or crossed. Heresy is best tested by open Bible study. SECTARIANISM is kin to heresy and comes from the same word. It is the "party" spirit, and a SECT is formed when self-willed and opinionated people are drawn together and allow their conclusions to form the boundaries of their fellowship. This is a cunningly deceptive step, so easily taken. We reason: the true church is that body of people who accept and obey the truth -- right? We accept and obey the truth, therefore we are the true church -- right? Then, only those who do as we do are members of the true church!! The switch from divine to human standard is made so smoothly that even members of a group called "Church of Christ" may not recognize its presence. "We" couldn't be wrong! Since we must act in keeping with our convictions (Rom. 14:5, 22-23), and honest convictions may differ, some think this is a dilemma. It is not. A true Christian acts and fellowships, in keeping with his convictions, but remains open for further enlightenment. The "Fatal Step" toward Sectarianism is taken when we "measure ourselves by ourselves" (2 Cor. 10:12-f); when "the way we do it" is substituted for honest Bible study. To Heresy, Sectarianism, and Ruin DENOMINATIONALISM refers to the spirit or policy of grouping churches under various distinctive names; making what is commonly called "brotherhoods" -- although in reality they may more accurately be called "church-hoods." In the early stages of the forming of a denomination the "party" spirit is strong, so that the first indications of a move toward denominational status is the organizing of local "parties" (congregations) into some form of functional entity -- that they may act as one. The "brotherhood of churches" (churchhood) concept is encouraged -- and some may adopt the Catholic view of a universal body of churches, having work responsibility. "The church" should do thus and so, and a means must be devised so that every part (congregation) may contribute resources and function as one. Denominational history indicates that later the "party" spirit wanes, and "denominationalism" views the one body of Christ as consisting of many "bodies" or denominations. Compromise of conviction is now encouraged "for the sake of unity," and the masses of the movement (now three or more generations removed from the original "heretics") are ready for the fourth stage -- discussed below. The "fatal step" to denominationalism is collective action on the part of churches; for in such "cooperation" funds are pooled, a common oversight is accepted, and "churchhood" action begins. Upon reflection it becomes apparent that the heretic allows selfish (human) interests to overcome trusting faith in God, and that this lack of faith produces all that follows. HUMANISM is not so apparent at the first, for heretics are usually zealous and place great emphasis upon their adherence to God's word. The emphasis upon distinctively human interests or ideals comes later, as the sect or denomination becomes "respectable" and affluent. So called "Evangelical" groups have a built-in road to humanism, in their reliance upon the "Holy Spirit within" to guide them. Matters are determinedly "feelings" or conscience -- subjectively determined -- and human desires assert themselves here. Those who reject the evangelical concept seem to approach humanism via social welfare. Surely Christianity must "do good" for the people, in this life; and so they too allow their ideas of what is "good" to rule. "Situation ethics" is a bad phrase, reserved for "modernists"; but when human reason judges or makes choice of God's commands (Jas. 2:l0-12; 4:11-12), we are on our way to ruin. The "fatal step" to Humanism is the acceptance of subjective, rather than objective authority; looking inside ourselves, rather than outside to God's revelation of His will. What is at first barely perceptible -- hidden beneath doctrinal concepts of how one receives communication from God, or sincere desires to serve our fellow men -- later becomes a full-grown human philosophy. "God's word" is redefined -- is no longer a verbally inspired message, but is only "the witness or pointer to revelation," whose validity is determined subjectively. Finally, as Barth wrote, "God is identical with his revelation" and is no longer the eternal personality of the Bible. Beware those "fatal steps"!! -- Plain Talk, August 1976 ___________________________________________ News & Notes We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Ethel Parcells who passed away June 4. She was Blanche Thompson's half-sister from Virginia, but spent most of her life in Maryland; and also lived many years in California and, lastly, Nevada. She would have been 90 years old this October. Let us also keep Nora Flynn in prayer who has been in the hospital 5 times in 2 months, due to heart trouble. (She is also a sister to Blanche Thompson.) John Pitman, who we were praying for a while back, continues to do somewhat better. He and his wife recently moved near their son and daughter in North Carolina. The first day they put an ad in the paper to sell their house, it sold! Then the new home they had been hoping for that would be close to their daughter's, turned up just three blocks away -- and at the price they had in mind! We welcome those of you who are visiting here this day and hope to see you again soon! ________________________________________ Avondale CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 421 1606 Glen Willow Rd., Avondale, PA 19311 (610) 268-2088 Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Bible class 11:00 A.M. Worship 6:00 P.M. Worship Wednesday: 7:00 P.M. Bible study evangelist/editor: Tom Edwards (610) 925-3567 e-mail: tedwards@onemain.com web site: http://www.mypage.onemain.com/tedwards/avondale ________________________________________