____________________________________________________ THE GOSPEL OBSERVER "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19,20). ____________________________________________________ December 29, 1991 ____________________________________________________ Manhood In the Home by Eugene Britnell As he functions as a husband and father, man is more like God than in any part of his existence. He was created to fulfill the role of leadership and guidance, and to provide for the welfare of his house. Manhood reaches its highest richness and glory in the happy fulfillment of these responsibilities. Man and Wife ``Even so ought husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies,'' (Eph. 5:28). When a man chooses from all womanhood his partner for life, he lifts her to the supreme earthly place in his heart and crowns her queen of his life. He vows before God and man to love, honor and cherish her till they must part in death. She becomes flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones; they are in the most intimate sense, one (see Genesis 2:21-24). As a man thus receives his wife unto himself, he is responsible for her welfare. His adequate provision for her will fall into at least three areas: spiritual, physical, and emotional. Should he fail in any of these, her happiness will be impaired and he will prove less than a man; however, when he succeeds in all three areas he will find his wife happy and prove himself a man in the fullest and most complete sense. As head of his house the husband is responsible to God for the spiritual training and welfare of his wife and children. The wife is commanded to ``ask her husband at home,'' which implies his leadership in spiritual things (1 Corinthians 14:35). Men should say with Joshua of old, ``As for me and my house we will serve the Lord'' (Joshua 24:15). Example and sincerity will prove the only way of leading in this regard. The physical provision for the wife and children is equally imperative, for ``he that provideth not for his own is worse than an unbeliever'' (1 Timothy 5:8). This will involve making a living and providing the necessities of life. The loving husband and father gladly works from early to late in order to give his family a living. Perhaps the most difficult and often frustrating provision for his wife will be her emotional needs. Love is patient and kind, sacrificial and permanent; it is courteous and delights in doing nice things (1 Cor. 13:4-7). No part of life finds these qualities more natural than from the husband as he shows his deep love for her, and in being so loved, she finds a solid ground upon which to walk. A man should always remember that the wife has given more to the marriage than he, and that her life is largely under his control. Love and communication in marriage find complete fulfillment in the sexual relationship. For this reason, neither the husband nor the wife may withhold from their partner for any cause, except by mutual consent for brief periods of prayer and fasting (1 Cor. 7:2-5). Seeking her pleasure and fulfillment before his own will help greatly in sexual integration. Divorce courts are filled daily with couples who would not have been there had the husband and wife been more diligent in rendering to each other all that the Bible said was ``due.'' Man and Children A father is commanded to bring up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). His leadership in the home will be positive as he teaches and trains his children in God's ways. He will command their respect and love as he insists upon obedience and furnishes the worthy example. Men who are only ``nice guys'' who show up once in a while with a pay check and maybe for meals are not much. It takes discipline and love to bring up children (Pro. 13:24; 22:15; 29:15). Training involves correction and teaching. This requires time and effort. The worthy father who loves his family will lovingly and gladly function as God has directed in His holy book, the Bible. This is not only the right way; it is the only happy way. ___________________________________________ Your Heart's Desire by Chuck Bartlett ``Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved'' (Rom. 10:1). Stop and consider the apostle's affection and concern for people whom, for the most part, were not personally acquainted with him. Paul's desire was genuine: he wanted lost souls to be saved. Christians need to have the same attitude today. The ``heart's desire'' is a strong feeling of sympathy and compassion. This cannot be created without proper cultivation. Children of God know what it is like to have hope, peace and purpose in life, as Paul realized (1 Tim. 1:12-16). Consider our loved ones who need to be saved. Generating interest in seeing them obey would not be a hard task. The question is, Are we as concerned for their souls as Paul was for all Israel? Paul expressed what his desire was; have we? Next time opportunity knocks, go up to your loved one and say something like, ``I want you to know that my desire and prayer to God is that you might be saved. Will you obey?'' People have told me that they long for the day when a certain one will be baptized. The truth is, the best thing that can help that to come about is to express it openly to the individual. Jesus, when seeing the sinful state of the people, cried out, ``O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!'' (Matt. 23:37). Our Lord illustrates perfectly that a meaningful spiritual concern comes when seeing the true state of the lost. Many opportunities to express our heartfelt desires are missed because we close our eyes to the sinful state people are in. We may love someone, but if they are not a Christian, they must be viewed as being in bondage to sin. When we see the end of their way, which is everlasting destruction, then efforts are put forth. It may be hard to see that the Lord would damn one who loves you so much, but remember, it's not their love for you that will get them into heaven; it's their love for the Lord. Go ahead; say something today while today still is. ________________________________________ Tri-State CHURCH OF CHRIST 1314 Montgomery Avenue, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Bible class 10:50 A.M. Worship 6:30 P.M. Worship Wednesday: 7:30 P.M. Bible study evangelist/editor: Tom Edwards (606) 325-9742 e-mail: tedwards@zoomnet.net Gospel Observer web site: http://www.zoomnet.net/~tedwards/go ________________________________________