____________________________________________________ THE GOSPEL OBSERVER "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19,20). ____________________________________________________ September 1, 1996 ____________________________________________________ A Plea For Pure Christianity by Jere E. Frost WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the inspired word of God, a perfect and sufficient guide (II Timothy 3:16,17). It does not incidentally contain some things we teach--it is the alpha and omega of our faith and practice, and we dare not go beyond it (II John 9). WE COME to you with no denominational plan seeking your favor, but only in the name of Christ, desiring to help you find the truth, anxious that you obey all of God's commandments. The obedient have a right to the tree of life (Revelation 22:14). But those who merely cry, ``Lord, Lord,'' shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21). WE SUBMIT to the matchless authority of Christ, heeding the faultless message that He and His inspired servants taught (Hebrews 2:3). His word produces faith, and faith in Him as the son of God is the foundation of hope (Hebrews 11:1; John 8:24). Every person must repent; repentance being required of all and death being held forth as the wages of refusal (Acts 17:30; Luke 13:3). Confession of faith in Christ is unto salvation, and upon such a confession one may be baptized (Romans 10:10; Acts 8:37). Baptism was commanded by Christ Himself (Mark 16:16), puts one in Christ (Galatians 3:27) where all spiritual blessings abound (Ephesians 1:3), and is for the remission of sins and the salvation of our souls (Acts 2:38; I Peter 3:21). Who dares refuse it? Faithfulness unto life's end is promised a rich heavenly reward (Revelation 2:10). WE PRAY for unity among all professed believers, for Christ so prayed (John 17:20-23). Paul besought the Corinthians to be ``OF THE SAME MIND'' and to ``SPEAK THE SAME THINGS'' (1 Corinthians 1:10). Since human wisdom is the cause of (not the cure for) division, we must discard and abandon it in order to be true to any prayer for unity. A perfect and God-given platform for genuine unity is set forth in Ephesians 4:3-6. This is the basis for spiritual harmony and lasting peace with God. Consider: One God (unity in worship), one Lord, Jesus Christ (unity in authority), one Spirit (unity in life), one faith (unity in doctrine), one Body, the church (unity in organization), one baptism (unity in practice), and one hope (unity in desire and expectation). WE REFUSE to sectarianize ourselves by wearing man- made religious names; they are not only unauthorized, but actually foment division. We are to be Christians, nothing more and nothing less, being completely satisfied and humbly grateful to be honored with the privilege of wearing Christ's name (I Peter 4:16). God has placed His name above every name, and the disciples wore it (Philippians 2:9; Acts 11:26). The body (church) of Christ also wears His name, preferring none other, and thus the New Testament speaks of ``THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST'' (Romans 16:16). WE ENDEAVOR to speak where the Bible speaks, and to be silent where it is silent. Christians have no creed but Christ, are to uphold no name but the divine, and have no plea but the gospel. We should mutually seek to establish and maintain unity in essentials, liberty in opinions, and love in all things. WE INVITE you, most sincerely, to come and study the Bible with us--pure Christianity is wonderful. Embrace it. Be just a Christian. -- Via The Old Path II, August 25, 1996 ___________________________________________ "For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions" (Matthew 6:14,15). ___________________________________________ Purgatorial Insurance Company In the modern Roman church, the doctrine of purgatory has led to others more directly injurious and corrupting. By the error which it inspires, it gives the priesthood power to impose penances; it leads to indulgences and prayers for the dead, for it is held that the suffering in purgatory may be greatly mitigated and shortened by the prayers and service, the masses, and charities, and other works of supererogation of their friends upon the earth. The extent to which this doctrine has been employed in increasing the income of the church receives a significant illustration in one singular fact. There exits a purgatorial insurance company which, for certain premium paid annually, insures the payer a given number of masses for his soul in the event of his death, and certificates of this insurance company may be seen hung up on the walls in hundreds of rooms in the tenement houses of our great cities, especially New York...(M'Clintock and Strong Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Vol. 8, page 796). -- Via Present Truth ___________________________________________ Mantras of the 90's (No. 1) by Warren E. Berkley A mantra is defined as--''...simply a word or phrase which, when repeated, influences the human mind.''1 In keeping with this, advertising slogans and jingles are mantras. The term is more generally used to describe those chants used in yoga or Oriental mystery religions. Transcendental Meditation is essentially a mantric art. When you are taught TM, you are given a personal mantra--a couple of words, or a phrase that may or may not have meaning. The alleged purpose is to get in tune with your ``personal vibrations.'' Various phrases are associated with Buddhism; one common mantra is translated, ``Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus.'' In the Islamic religion, there is the common mantra: ``Hua allahu alazi lailaha illa Hua,'' which is translated, ``He is God and there is no other God than He.'' Mantras became popular because of their usefulness in creating alleged changes in consciousness. They are an integral part of Eastern religions and the current New Age school of thought. In our society, there are certain sayings or slogans that take on great power and influence merely through repetition. For Example... ``It Takes A Village'' Earlier this year a new book was released by Mrs. Clinton. It is about children, and what she believes it takes to raise them. In her view, ``It Takes A Village.'' Actually, she did not coin the phrase. It is an oft- repeated African proverb which has become the mantra of every international women's conference (Cairo, Beijing). The phrase captures the view championed by feminist and politically correct police. The original African slogan was offered from the context of the ideal group of people surrounding a child and contributing to his early education and training: grandparents, friends, teachers and others who in many ways supplement the primary care and oversight of the parents. Mrs. Clinton grants that ``parents bear the first and primary responsibility for their sons and daughters.'' Then, in her description of this ``village,'' she goes far beyond friends, neighbors and extended family to include all the agencies, government projects and social institutions she advocates. One reviewer said, ``By the end of the book, it appears that Mrs. Clinton has never met a government program she didn't like,'' (Kerby Anderson).2 What is needed to raise children? Must parents depend upon day care centers, educrats, bureaucrats and humanistic programs? IT TAKES A SENSE OF OBLIGATION AND RESPECT TOWARD GOD. There are certain things we do for our children, and basic needs we provide for them, unconditionally, because we have made a commitment to God as parents. We bear the responsibility of parents, because we have made an earlier decision to please the Lord. ``Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it,'' (Psa. 127:1). IT TAKES LOVE. There is a natural affection, a love parents have for their children that is unlike any other relational bond. In the absence of this love (``without natural affection,'' Rom. 1:31), the best village enjoys little power in raising children. Children need fathers and mothers who love them (Titus 2:4). IT TAKES MORAL CONVICTION. If we put up with rudeness and defiance; if we just ``let them'' act out of rebellion and selfishness, we demonstrate no moral courage and further--our tolerance of their rudeness only produces more of the same in them. On the basis of obligation to God and the moral conviction and courage that produces, we will set high goals, resist lawlessness and accompany all our efforts with prayer. IT TAKES PATIENCE. Sometimes we will find ourselves under tremendous pressure to give up; to run out of patience, and assume the worst possible fate for our children. Throughout God's word we are repeatedly told that people who have made mistakes can resurrect their lives from wrongdoing, be forgiven and change. Even after horrible mistakes and long struggles, young people can change, mature, repent and make us proud. ``Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged,'' (Col. 3:21). IT TAKES THE INFLUENCE OF GODLY EXAMPLES. When the apostle Paul remembered the faith of Timothy, he immediately thought of two great women who had illustrated faith in God to Timothy from his infancy. Paul wrote to Timothy, and commended his faith, ''...which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded in you also...that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus,'' (2 Tim. 1:5 & 2 Tim. 3:15). ``Hillary Clinton says it takes a village to raise a child, but the real `village' is founded on strong parents, supported by family, friends, churches, schools and the local community. Big government isn't a village. And bureaucrats in Washington are not better able to make decisions for children than loving parents. The village must be an environment in which families are supported and strengthened. The problem today IS the village. Cultural pollution, crime, violence, liberal government policies, sexually explicit images, unresponsive educators, and anti- faith bigotry are among the `village forces' that work against families trying to teach their children right from wrong and trying to give them a sense of the American dream.'' 3 ____________ 1. Body, Mind & Spirit, by Eileen Campbell & J.H. Brennan; 1994, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. p.#145,146. 2. Kerby Anderson quote from the computer homepage of Dallas/Ft. Worth Heritage (http://www/fni.com/heritage/). She is an author, broadcaster, and CEO of Probe Ministries, Richardson, Tx. 3. Gary Bauer (quoted in Family Research Council News, Jan. 29, 1996). ___________________________________________ NEWS & NOTES Les Atkinson has undergone some testing recently to diagnose why he has been feeling poorly lately. Let us pray that everything will work out well for him. Also, Les's mother was operated on recently; and we pray that her recovery will be swift and complete. You who are visiting this day are greatly appreciated by us. Your attendance is a joyful encouragement. Thank you! ________________________________________ Tri-State CHURCH OF CHRIST 713 13th Street, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Bible class 10:50 A.M. Worship 6:30 P.M. Worship Wednesday: 7:30 P.M. Bible study evangelist/editor: Tom Edwards (606) 325-9742 e-mail: tedwards@wwd.net ________________________________________