The 13 Coins 2) Suppose a person had 13 coins (quarters and dimes) that equal $2.05. How many of each coin does that person have? 25x + 10(13 - x) = 205 25x + 130 -10x = 205 15x + 130 = 205 15x = 75 x = 5 Since "x" stands for the quarters, and there are 5, then we know that there are 8 dimes. Of course, this can also be seen in the term for the dimes -- "10(13-x)." Since "x" = "5," then 13-5 = 8 (for the number of dimes), and multiplying by 10 gives us the value of 80 cents. To double check, make sure that the right sum was obtained with the right number of coins.