Another Jet Flight 8) Here's a slight variation from our previous example: A small jet made a 1285-mile flight in 5 hours. Its fastest speed was constant during the first two hours, but then dropped to 30 mph slower during the 3rd hour, 40 mph slower (than the 1st hour) during the 4th hour, and 55 mph slower (than the 1st hour) during the last hour. Find the speed for each hour. 2x + (x -30) + (x -40) + (x -55) = 1285 ("x" = the fastest speed. "2x" = 2 hours of the fastest speed.) 5x -125 = 1285 5x = 1410 x = 282 Since "x" equals 282 (mph), then that is the speed of the jet during the first two hours, and two hours at that speed was a distance of 564 miles. When we plug the value of x into the x-variable for all the terms, here's what we come up with: 564 (2x) 252 (x-30) 242 (x-40) 227 (x-55) ----------------- 1,285 (total miles)