Finding the Right Place for the Fulcrum 23) If a lever were 12 feet long, with 75 pounds on one end and 45 pounds on the other, where would the fulcrum have to be placed to balance it? 75 * x = 45(12-x) 75x = 540 -45x 120x = 540 x = 4.5 The fulcrum would have to be placed 4.5 feet to the right of the 75 pound weight in order to have balance. (The 45-pound weight, therefore, will be 7.5 feet from the fulcrum.) We can also look at this in the following way to double-check our answer: 75 (lbs) * 4.5 (feet from the fulcrum) = 7.5 (feet from the fulcrum) * 45 (lbs) 337.5 = 337.5