The Mushrooms and 3-Bean Salad 30) If 3 cans of mushrooms and 5 cans of 3-bean salad cost $5.90, and 2 cans of mushrooms and 4 cans of 3-bean salad cost $4.52, then how much is each can of mushrooms, and each can of 3-bean salad? x = can of mushrooms y = can of 3-bean salad 3x + 5y = 5.90 2x + 4y = 4.52 Eliminate one of the variables by multiplying by a negative number. We will multiply the bottom equation by -1.5: 3x + 5y = 5.90 -3x -6y = -6.78 ---------------- -1y = -0.88 y = 0.88 (a negative divided by a negative equals a positive) Plug the value of y into the equation to solve for x: (3x + 5y = 5.90) 3x + 4.40 = 5.90 3x = 1.50 x = 0.50 Each can of mushrooms is 50 cents, and the 3-bean salad is 88 cents for each can.