The Two Watches 4) Suppose a person has sold two different kinds of inexpensive watches -- one for $20, and the other for $25. If he made $7,035 by selling 312 of them, how many did he sell of each kind of watch? 25x + 20(312-x) = 7035 25x + 6240 -20x = 7035 5x + 6240 = 7035 5x = 795 x = 159 Since "x" stands for the number of $25 dollar watches, then it was 159 of those that were sold; and at that price, it will bring in $3,975. When we plug the value of x into the term for the $20 watches, we have 20(312-159), which equals 153 watches; and at $20 per watch that is $3,060. So all in all, when double-checking, it totals 312 watches sold for $7,035.